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Veltri, Inc. dedicated trucking services recently examined a Verizon survey on the subject to discover the answers. This study of over 1,100 business owners, fleet managers, and general managers revealed the details. The initial results of the survey indicate that GPS tracking provides businesses with lower costs, better productivity, and improved customer service. This makes adding GPS tracking to fleets a valuable solution for most businesses that keep and regularly use fleet vehicles. The most interesting finding from the study is that almost half of the study participants reported a noticeable return on investment within six months of implementing GPS tracking in their fleet management programs. Also of interest is that four out of five respondents to the survey, on average, reported a high level of satisfaction with their use of GPS tracking. With GPS tracking, fleet managers or others who are involved in the overseeing of the fleet can keep better track of what their drivers are doing, and adjust instructions and expectations for those drivers accordingly. Fleet management using GPS tracking is known among companies that use it as a reliable, inexpensive technology. It is currently used the most often in the utility industry. Other industries that are heavy adopters of GPS tracking technology in their fleets are:

  1. Public sector

  2. Transportation

  3. Construction

  4. Environmental

  5. General service businesses

  6. Education Most dedicated trucking companies that use this technology have been using it for three years or more with the same provider, and 30 percent of them are using this technology across their whole fleet. Further, the majority of companies using this technology are companies that operate on a local level. When companies operating on regional, state, or national levels use GPS tracking in their fleets, they tend to use it most often when a driver is taking a vehicle a particularly long distance away from company headquarters. It is a good way to keep track of where vehicles are and what the drivers are doing when they are out on their own for long periods of time.

Veltri_RoutingImage_Web Veltri Reports on the Benefits of Using GPS Tracking for Fleet Management
  1. Better routing

  2. Improved ability to serve customers

  3. Less fuel consumption

  4. Better maintenance of fleet vehicles

  5. Less labor costs for the fleet

  6. Fewer accidents among fleet vehicles and drivers When fleet managers and company management use the data provided to them by GPS tracking, they can easily see where there are areas for improvement and implement these improvements. For example, if fleet drivers have been taking routes that are not the most efficient in terms of time or fuel consumption, this will easily be seen with GPS tracking, and managers can choose better routes for their drivers. This improvement in routing saves time, which improves customer satisfaction, while making the drives shorter, which reduces fuel consumption and saves the company money. There are a variety of different GPS tracking solutions available to companies wishing to implement it and enjoy the benefits of this technology. To choose the best GPS tracking system for your company, do the following things:

  7. Research the different solutions and what they do. Different systems use different features. Some may be better for a particular company than others.

  8. Clearly identify the objectives and goals of your company's fleet management program.

  9. Choose the GPS fleet management system that best matches your company's fleet program objectives and goals. Many dedicated trucking companies are enjoying the benefits of GPS tracking for their fleet management. The survey shows the benefits are clear and real. With costs being lower than ever to obtain GPS technology, there is no time like the present to get your company on board and learn the benefits firsthand as we have seen at Veltri, Inc.

6 Ways to Reduce Idling Costs

Why is it important to reduce idling costs?

Many trucking fleets are acutely aware of time spent idling and how much it can affect costs and waste fuel. With over 50 years in the regional trucking business, Veltri, Inc. has often encountered the problems presented by the idling costs that can quickly add up. Here are 6 ways to reduce idling costs:

1. Idle Shutdown Manufacturers often offer the ability to program the engine to shut down after five minutes of idling. Automatic idling shutdowns can be customized for fleets that need engines to idle in extreme temperatures but still would like to take in the benefits of automatic idle shutdowns. 2. Auxiliary Power Units Auxiliary Power Units (or APUs) often come in a traditional diesel-fueled category or a category that utilizes batteries and/or electricity. Diesel-fueled APUs hold a big advantage since they can handle the needs for heating, cooling, and any hotel load (passenger comforts such as TVs, computers, etc.) the driver is partial to. However, diesel-powered APUs use some amount of fuel. Electric APUs, on the other hand, help with fuel use and maintenance costs and are also quieter than their diesel-fueled counterpart. However, they require more careful use of AC and hotel loads so that the truck batteries are not drawn from too much. For 34-hour restarts, some idling or short power is required. Unfortunately, these APUs do add weight and require space on the frame rail or under the bunk, but every day manufacturers are finding ways to make these units lighter and more effective. 3. Auxiliary Air Conditioning Auxiliary air conditioning is a good solution for fleets not interested in making the jump to a full-blown APU. A variety of AC systems can match your needs: Dometic offers a system that uses 12-volt power from an onboard bank of batteries (these batteries are automatically recharged by the alternator whenever the truck is running or from shore power). 4. Cab Heaters Smaller, lighter, and cheaper than APUs, cab heaters are a great resource that can work either by utilizing engine coolant or through diesel-fired solutions. They can be used on their own or may be part of an electric APU setup, but cab heaters do not offer electricity for hotel loads. Cab heaters come in a variety of options that can be controlled by thermostat or digital controllers. 5. Shore Power Shore power connections can be used in conjunction with the technologies and applications mentioned above, bringing standard AC voltage into the truck cab so that drivers can power hotel loads and other electrical devices. Volvo, for instance, was one of the first North American truck makers to offer built-in shore power connections. To reduce the need for idling to keep batteries charged, Volvo came up with an inverter/converter combo that is able to charge the batteries through shore power or run 110-volt appliances directly from shore power. The biggest disadvantage is that there is not an extensive network of shore power facilities. However, the number of truck stops offering power has skyrocketed since the beginning of 2012, so powering options will be available more and more often. 6. Off-Truck Options Some services install devices in parking spaces that provide not only electricity but air conditioning, heating, and other features. The most well-known provider is currently IdleAir, which was bought by Convoy Solutions in 2010. IdleAir’s network of truck stop locations is currently expanding to more and more truck stop locations and these would offer features such as AireDock, a unit that adjusts to fit the driver’s side window to deliver electric power, fresh air, heating, air conditioning, and even Internet access. While not yet as widely available as drivers would hope, these growing locations would be a boon for cutting idling costs. Using the right technologies and combinations of technologies is dependent on what kind of fleet you’re managing. Taking the time to explore these options and making sure they complement both your business model and your operators will go a long way to save you costs on idling.

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